What is Equipper?

Equipper is an application that helps you set the correct bike on each ride that you upload to Strava. It works by picking the bike that was used most often on previous rides similar to your latest ride. It has processed ??? activities so far!

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Get Started

To connect Equipper to your Strava account, click the link below. You will be prompted to allow Equipper to view and make changes to your Strava activities. After authorization, Equipper will start processing any new activity you upload.

btn_strava_connectwith_orange Created with Sketch.

Linked Strava Account

linked Strava account profile image


You can unsubscribe from Equipper and revoke its access to your Strava account at any time. To do so, go to the 'apps' section of your Strava profile and revoke Equipper's access. Once you revoke access, Equipper will delete any of your data which it has stored. You may always reconnect Equipper later if you choose.

Contact & Support

Equipper is proudly developed and supported by Ben Coomes. If you find a problem or have a suggestion, send him an email at equipperapp@gmail.com or open an issue. If you'd like to contribute yourself, Equipper is open source. Check it out on GitHub!

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important. This is how Equipper protects its user's privacy.

Activity Privacy

Equipper will only process activities which are shared with Everyone or your Followers. Equipper will not process or retrieve data related to private activities.

Data Collection

When you authorize Equipper, Equipper will store credentials which allow it to read and update your Strava activities. Equipper will request activity details for the purpose of assigning to an activity the gear which matches the activity best. Equipper may read any activity data on activities it processes, including fields hidden from other users such as speed, calories, and power. Equipper may store activity data for up to seven days. Equipper may use stored activity data to analyze and improve its gear-identification algorithms.

Data Sharing

Equipper will never share or sell the data it collects with any third party.

Revoking Access

You may revoke Equipper's access to your Strava account at any time on your Strava profile settings. When you revoke Equipper's access to your Strava account, Equipper will remove all of your personal data which it has collected, including, but not limited to, authorization tokens and activity data.

Strava API Usage

Strava may collect data related to Equipper's use of the Strava API and other Strava resources. Strava may use usage data for any business purpose.